Improwizacja taneczna jako forma edukacyjna rozwijająca kreatywność dziecka


  • Joanna Belzyt Fundacja tanTHEO w Lublinie

Słowa kluczowe:

taniec, twórczość, kreatywność, improwizacja, rozwój dziecka


The dance has accompanied man from the beginning of his existence. Despite numerous transformations, its main components are still the body, movement and rhythm that take place in space. Created in real time allows man to create his creativity, gives a sense of his satisfaction and fulfillment. Nowadays, full of new technologies, the Internet and computer games, children forget about the movement and its power not only in the physical sphere, but also in the emotional, mental and spiritual. The following reflections concern the role of dance improvisation in building a child's creative attitude. Creativity is sometimes understood as a factor preventing the implementation of knowledge standards, it slows down its linear transmission. A creative man is a man who has time to explore space, feels safe in it, accepts the process and is open to new, non-standard ideas. Therefore, in an authoritarian, schematic, conservative, intolerant society, it is difficult to talk about developing these features. And yet creativity is the ability to be „here and now”, it is a responsibility, a way to auto-creation. It enables development and inventiveness. Without it, the world would remain in place. Being in a state of readiness, exploration of space, mobility, originality, the ability to give new meanings, analysis, synthesis and their harmonious combination, the organization develops awareness, emotionality and self-control. A child in improvisation freely explores the space, experiences his own corporality, is interesting, pass trough creative "surprise", learns the acceptance of otherness and diversity.  That is why it is worth, that every teacher – facilitator drew attention to the movement element in the education and upbringing of the child through dance improvisation.






Pedagogika społeczna i opiekuńczo-resocjalizacyjna