Uczeń z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną – nowe wyzwania dla nauczyciela w edukacji wczesnoszkolnej


  • Katarzyna Klimas Uniwersytet Opolski

Słowa kluczowe:

uczeń z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną, szkoła specjalna, współpraca szkoły i rodziny


The aim of this article is to present the work areas of a special education teacher selected by the author, which constitute new challenges in the work in the initial education in a special school. They included cooperation with parents as well as methods used in working with children with intellectual disabilities, focusing on Augmentative and Alternative Communications (AAC). The documents in force at school, which can be prepared
in cooperation with the parents of the student, have been discussed. The discussed contents refer to the current regulation of the Minister of National Education, which updates the problems and allows you to combine knowledge from the subject literature with the current special education documents in Poland. The final part contains postulates regarding the application of the issues in pedagogical practice.






Edukacja przedszkolna i wczesnoszkolna