Rola terapii rodziny w procesie leczenia młodzieży uzależnionej od narkotyków
Słowa kluczowe:
terapia rodzinna, terapia uzależnienia, system rodzinny, uzależnienieAbstrakt
The article presents a systematic understanding of addiction in the family. The research about patients’ and their parents’ opinions were conducted in the youth drug addiction clinic. The topic of a study is about family therapies and their role in the process of treatment children. Despite the fact that parents recognize the need to take own therapy, only few people decided to do so, that is what research results show. More often mothers are the ones who take therapy rather than children’ fathers. Most of the respondents perceive changing in mutual relations, communication system and the way how to solve problems as the consequences of taking the therapy. It might be said that activity of parents is not a guarantee for success in children therapy, however, it has a positive effect on the process of addiction rehab therapy.