Obowiązki kierownika szkoły powszechnej w Polsce w latach 1932–1939 w świetle zaleceń centralnych władz oświatowych


  • Elżbieta Magiera Uniwersytet Szczeciński



Słowa kluczowe:

Druga Rzeczpospolita, historia oświaty, kierownik szkoły powszechnej, szkoła powszechna


The article deals with the issue of the duties of the head of an elementary school after the introduction of the reform of 1932, which were determined by the central education authorities. Managerial activities depended on a three-tier organization of public education. The duties of the head of the school concerned educational, didactic, administrative and economic activities. These included the development and implementation of the educational plan, the division of educational activities among teachers, maintenance of the authority, compliance with the rules at school, implementation of the ideal of upbringing. In accordance with the ideology of state education, didactic work was part of the educational work and included: observation of lessons, control of written papers and class registers, supervision of the teaching aids, division of teaching subjects, organizing the replacements of teachers, familiarizing teachers with school authorities’ regulations and advising teaching staff .






Historia wychowania