The aim of the article is to analyze the problems of an aging population, causes and the effects of this phenomenon, health problems of older people, physical, social and educational activity and ways of dealing with problem of aging. Analyses carried out in the article are based on existing data from surveys of the Central Statistical Office (2009, 2011–2014, 2016), PolSenior (2012) (Raport na temat sytuacji osób starszych w Polsce, (Ed.) P. Błędowski, B. Szatur-Jaworska, Z. Szweda-Lewandowska). The thesis is that health problems, social isolation and discrimination influence the reduction of independence of the elderly. Conclusions: 1. Physical activity has a significant impact on increasing independence and self-reliance, thereby improving the quality of life of older people. 2. Persons who are physically active are less exposed to the risk of disease compared to those less active. 3. Participation of older people in activities conducted at the Universities of the Third Age counteract exclusion from society and is effective educational intervention.