Analysis of the level of physical fitness of cadets of the Military College of Sergeants of the National Academy of Land Forces in Lviv at the primary stage


Military College of Sergeants of the National Academy of Land Forces in Lviv
Armed Forces
General Physical Training
Physical Training
Special Physical Training

How to Cite

Oderov, A. ., Kuznetsov, M., Romanchuk, S. ., Pohrebniak, D. ., Indyka, S. ., & Bielikova, N. . (2022). Analysis of the level of physical fitness of cadets of the Military College of Sergeants of the National Academy of Land Forces in Lviv at the primary stage . Sport and Tourism Central European Journal, 5(1), 93–102.


Introduction: Providing troops with modern military equipment, technical means of transportation has greatly facilitated the implementation of many elements of military activities by servicemen, but at the same time contributed to some negative impact on their body and psyche, increased the need for general and special physical training [2, 3]. The need for integrated use of physical education and sports is well known and scientifically sound. The system of physical training of troops as a component of professional activity ensures the functioning of personnel in accordance with the requirements of physical fitness. Thus, the topical issue is to improve the content of physical training of cadets of military colleges of sergeants, taking into account the categories of servicemen.

Purpose: Determining and improving the dynamics of general and special physical fitness of cadets, taking into account the categories of servicemen.

Results: A study of the level of physical fitness of cadets of the military college of sergeants showed that during the training of cadets in the first year indicators of general and special physical fitness have positive changes, but no significant difference was found (p > 0.05).