Guidelines for authors


Each article should contain:

  • the title of the article in Polish and English,
  • 20,000 - 30,000 characters with spaces and footnotes; for voices: 10,000 - 30,000 characters;
  • abstract in Polish and English (approx. 1000 characters each),
  • 5-8 keywords in Polish and English.

The article should be structured, i.e. divided into parts preceded by an introduction (including aim, research problems), and end with a summary.
Each application should be accompanied by: name and surname of the author, academic degree/title, affiliation, ORCID number, correspondence address (university or other place of employment), and e-mail.
For more information, see:
You must first register or log in to submit an article.

The Editorial Team reserves the right to return the manuscript to the Author for correction or to refuse the publication if the Author does not follow the above mentioned guidelines. The Editors have the right to reduce and make corrections in the article. Prior to publication the Author receives an author’s proof for final review. Not sending it back within the given deadline means that the Author accepts the manuscript in the form that has been sent to him.
The Editorial Team makes the final decision regarding the publication of the text.

Procedure to secure the originality of publications
(so-called ghostwriting firewall and guest authorship or honorary authorship firewall)
concerning articles published in "Gubernaculum et Administratio"

  • The Subject Editor makes a preliminary assessment of the articles in terms of their originality and the research results presented.
  • Articles are checked in the anti-plagiarism system.
  • At the meeting, the Editorial Board examines all articles in terms of their originality and compliance with the publishing.
  • Authors of articles submit a statement (Appendix 1) in which they specify: their copyrights to the article or its part, confirmation of non-infringement of copyrights of others, originality of the published article.
  • Authors of articles agree on the transfer of economic copyrights to the published articles.
  • The content of the articles contains the results of own research or refers to the results prepared by other authors with copyright.
  • An article submitted for publication cannot be a work commissioned by the author from other persons or institutions (ghostwriting).
  • The author(s) of the article should follow the principles of ethics in science. Articles found to have violated them will not be accepted for publication. Information about the violation of ethics rules will be forwarded to the management of the author's affiliating institution.
  • Persons who have not made their own creative contribution to the content of the article (guest authorship or honorary authorship) cannot be shown as co-authors of the submitted publication.
  • Any violations of the principles of ethics in science will be reported at the meeting of the Editorial Board, which will be kept in the editorial board's documentation together with reviews.