Scientific Journal "Gubernaculum et Administratio" has been published since 2001 as a biannual of the Faculty of Law and Economics at the Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa. The journal accepts papers in which academics, doctoral students, students, as well as practitioners analyse current problems in the field of law and administration.
The "Gubernaculum et Administratio" publishes articles from all areas of law, both public and private, as well as related fields, reflecting the current state and new doctrinal tendencies, as well as articles dealing with current problems of legal practice. The journal also publishes analyses of judicial decisions and administrative decisions, book reviews, and conference reports in Poland and other countries. Expert opinions may also be submitted to the "Gubernaculum et Administratio".
The "Gubernaculum et Administratio" is addressed to the scientific community, practitioners and students.
The basic version of the periodical is an online publication.
Gubernaculum et Administratio (on-line) ISSN 2719-7360
Gubernaculum et Administratio ISSN 1730-2889
"Gubernaculum et Administratio" received 70 points (item in table: 31421) in the list of scientific journals announced by the Minister of Science of 5 January 2024.
The journal is indexed in the following databases: PBN, ERIH PLUS, Arianta.
Articles - starting from No. 1/2020 - are indexed in the Google Scholar database.
Articles - starting from No. 1/2015 - receive an individual DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number.
Issues of the journal are also available on the UJD Repository website.