Ethical codex




§ 1 Ethics of publication and declaration of abuse

The code of ethics of the scientific journal „Gubernaculum et Administratio” aims ensuring the ethics and quality of scientific publications. Behavior and compliance with ethical standards it is the responsibility of all parties involved: authors, reviewers and editors.


§ 2 Duties of the Editorial Board of „Gubernaculum et Administratio”


1. Defends and promotes freedom of expression. The submitted scientific texts are assessed only on the basis of their quality, value and scientific integrity.

2. Excludes commercial needs that violate intellectual and ethical standards.

3. Provides verification of published scientific texts, reports and research opinions by independent and qualified reviewers. Relevant reviewers they should be able to evaluate the work and be free from competing or disqualifying ones interests in relation to the submitted scientific texts.

4. If you discover that the submitted text is plagiarism, prevent it from happening publishing. In case of detection of plagiarism or other copyright infringement (like eg the occurrence of the phenomenon of „ghostwriting” or „guest authorship”), the Editors reserve the right to notify the institution whose author has an affiliation or with which he cooperates or take other appropriate legal steps. Plagiarism as unethical behavior is not acceptable.


§ 3 Responsibility of the Editorial Board of „Gubernaculum et Administratio”


1. Consult the views of authors, readers, reviewers and editorial board members on the topic possibilities and ways to improve the journal’s publishing processes.

2. Has the right to reject or accept the text. Text can be rejected in particular, when its content deviates from the principles of scientific integrity or constitutes a breach copyright law.

3. Responsible for the content and overall quality of the publication. It watches over the compliance of the submitted items scientific texts with the journal’s ethical code.

4. Cares for the anonymity of the reviewers. Reviewing is based on the model anonymous on both sides according to the „double-blind review process” procedure. Ongoing both the authors do not know the identity of the reviewers, and the reviewers do not know the identity of the authors.

5. In the event of a suspicion of a breach in the area of making decisions as to accepts or rejects the publication and makes all reasonable efforts solutions to the problem.

6. Cooperates with the publishing house at every stage of the publication process.

7. It prevents any conflicts of interest between authors and reviewers and members of the Council.


§ 4 Responsibility and obligations of Authors


1. They apply all the requirements imposed by the copyright law.

2. Disclose information about the sources of funding for their text (eg whether its funding is related to the grant obtained) or the institution’s contribution to its creation, if any.

3. They have a duty to declare any potential or actual conflict interests, if any.

4. If the text is a work of co-authorship, the authors or the sole author, it is on obligation to disclose this fact.

5. They should not submit for publication a text previously published elsewhere a journal, a scientific monograph, or any other publisher.

6. They should not submit for publication the text considered for publication simultaneously in another journal or any publisher.

7. They are required to maintain the standards of scientific integrity. One of them is immediate informing the editorial office of „Gubernaculum et Administratio” about noticed errors in submitted text and cooperate to correct or withdraw the text from the process publication.