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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Tekst nie był dotąd nigdzie opublikowany ani nie jest przedmiotem postępowania w innym czasopiśmie.
  • Tekst zapisany w formacie OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF lub WordPerfect.
  • Jeżeli jest dostępny należy dostarczyć URL dla pozycji bibliograficznych.
  • Interlinia 1; wysokość pisma 12 pkt; stosowana raczej kursywa niż podkreślenia (za wyjątkiem adresów stron internetowych); wszystkie rysunki oraz tabele są umieszczone w tekście w odpowiednich miejscach (nie na końcu).
  • Tekst został sformatowany zgodnie z wytycznymi dla autora określającymi styl i zasady sporządzania bibliografii.

Author Guidelines

All articles should include:

- a title in both Polish and English language

- an abstract in Polish and English language (each of about 1000 characters in lengh)

- 5-8 key words in Polish and English

Each article should be structured, containing an introduction (with the indication of the purpose and scope of the research) and an ending.

Each submission should contain : Name and surname of the author, his/her academic degree, affilliation, ORCID numer, correspondence address (University or other place of work), e-mail address.

Submissions should be send to:


Ghostwriting, guest authorship and honorary authorship Procedure

applicable to all articles published in reserach journal „Gubernaculum et Administratio”


  1. Subject editor performs a preliminary assessment of the articles in terms of their originality and presented research results.
  2. Articles are checked in the anti-plagiarism system.
  3. The Editorial Team considers all articles in terms of their originality and meeting the requirements of the publishing house.
  4. The authors submit a statement (Annex 1) in which they specify: their copyrights to the submitted article or part of it, confirmation of non-infringement of other people's copyrights, originality of the published article.
  5. The authors of the articles conclude an agreement on the transfer of proprietary copyrights to published articles.
  6. The content of the articles contain the results of authors’ own research or refer to the results developed by other authors with respect to copyright.
  7. An article submitted for publication cannot be a work commissioned by the author from other persons or institutions (ghostwriting).
  8. The author / authors of the article should follow the rules of ethics in science. Articles in which their violation is found will not be accepted for publication. Information on breaches of ethics will be forwarded to the authorities of the author's affiliating institution.
  1. Persons who have not made their own creative contribution (guest authorship or honorary authorship) in the article cannot be listed as a co-authors of the submitted publication.
  1. All identified violations of ethics in science will be indicated in minutes of the editorial team meetings which are stored in the editorial documentation along with reviews.


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