An important strategic goal of the authorities of the city of Poznań is to promote the idea of a healthy and active lifestyle among residents, and to improve the quality of life in terms of available forms of spending free time, thus raising health awareness among residents of the city of Poznań.
The research carried out at indoor tennis courts (16 facilities), indoor swimming pools (12 facilities) and fitness clubs (11 facilities) in the city of Poznań, covered 1159 service recipients (using the services of a given sports and recreation facility).
The survey questionnaires were addressed to the recipients (residents of the city of Poznań who use the services offered in the examined sports and recreation facilities). The service recipients were additionally divided into a group of people professionally practicing sports and those who have never practiced sports competitively. The surveyed group of respondents could mark the YES or NO answer, and express their level of satisfaction/evaluation with a specific point scale from 1 to 10 (1 – unsatisfied, 10 – very satisfied) in the questionnaire.
The surveyed service recipients evaluated the implementation of the idea of promoting a healthy and active lifestyle higher than the average values, both in the group of amateurs as well as in people practicing sports competitively. The differences between them are not statistically significant. Negative values of skewness coefficient in both groups show a strong tendency to assign higher scores than the average.