Influencing People – the Possibilities Arising from the Use of New Incentive Schemes


  • Joanna Snopko Urząd Miasta w Legnicy


employees, personel management, human resources


In the twenty-first century, there was a change in the perception of the people in the organizations of the social subsystem to human capital, which also contributed to the professionalization of human resources policy. Employees are the most valuable potential of each organization, which means that without the active involvement and support you can not achieve the organization’s objectives. Therefore, the issue of motivation is becoming increasingly important. The essence of motivation is to influence employees, using a range of instruments called motivators, representing a total incentive system. This system through incentives shaping organizational behavior is to encourage employees to engage in their work in the best interests of the organization, identify with the objectives of the organization, and thus the proper execution of tasks at the same time the satisfaction of both parties. Therefore, incentive systems should offer a wide range of solutions to cater for the different needs of employees. Today’s incentive schemes aimed at creating the conditions that the employee he wanted to do what was expected of him with pleasure, the feeling of belonging to the organization, including the need for achievement and the importance of work. Therefore, financial incentives need to be supplemented by intangible factors like climate and building a corporate culture that will make people to work in it with satisfaction. Modern motivational systems, which are placed on human interaction and the organizational culture may in the long term guarantee to be bound by the employee with the organization. This article aims to bring the issue of the use of modern motivational systems in organizations.




