The economicial, law and sociable aspects to get the space of the universe by human
Conquest of the universe give us many profits, in wide aspects, not only in scientificial or technological parts, but also econmic and socialable, and another. Starting of inventions who created by development this part of life, without this in this time functioning societies wolud be – if not impossible – very limited. For example telecomunications sattelite, finishing at items who we used at home like cordless tools.
Very interested aspects of exploration the unierse are human behaviours. It is worthwhile paying attention at aspirations to realization dreams through the ones by unit, and using this desires to the own goals, mainly by the third person for the earnings, which the best of showing this is socalled „The practice of the trade” yards onto the another planets. We know also positive sides of human actions in this fields like space tourist, which wolud be in the future to fulfil eternal dreams of the human masses, on the cheap space trips.
But in our solar space are also a positive aspects. We can search that in another planets. One of those is Mars. Colonizations this area would be very interesting project, mainly becouse for some resemblances between our Earth and Red Planet. With those attempt, conquest the universe they can be connected some economical profits. On Mars we can find a lot of precious raw materials, whose on Earth are really expensive. Off corse, before man starts to get the precious metals, propably will be needed appropriate adaptation this planet to live. This techniqe called „terraforming”, and it consists on change the conditions on the appropriate foreign alive, so as to she could be possible to settle through the next generations.
So that could be possible talk about the economical succes after transformation of Mars by the man it will be succesfull, we sholud to recall about the investments. On the beggining the colonizations will be support by the governemnts of the most importants country in the world, or private investors. To keep some independent this planet the constructions of fabrics and power stations are starts, whose would employ the people from the Earth. That will be the first step to independent economy of Mars. Taking energy on this planet will be cheaper than on Earth, becouse it would be much more profitable – on this areas – to create wind power stations and suns power stations. It causes different conditions rules on our sister planet.
Very interesting thing, could be interplanetary trade. Whole products for example oxygen or gasoline, it will be necessary to take from Earth. But Red Planet will have also to offer, also valuable products. Avoiding issues of precious metals already, we can recall about complete new kind of plants, also innovative the engineering news. Mars will be planet the man of science, with completely new culture, could start „sell of the technological ideas” to the green planet. The red planet will take the funds, also from selling real estate. Of corse it will be possible thanks to creating the law, on base to the system, who worked on Earth. Considering the distance of Mars from the Earth, managing the colony would be as compound to what extent new technologies will allow for it. So we can establish, that the better would be if create there a system of parlamentary and gabinet, and the first challenge for first leaders, will regulation of law inside the structure of planet.
Whole the administrations will be established on Earth, to prevent chaos in this place. All in mainly outline, for that to after the arrival already the colonizers could decide about what is the best for them, thanks to passing individual legal acts.