Restructuring mining enterprises as an opportunity for Regional Development


  • Brygida Grzeganek-Więcek Akademia im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie


Since 1993 Polish mining companies are subject to the process of restructuring. Although this process had many stages, the paper deals only with four, regarded by mining specialists as the most important. It does not mean that new restructuring programs are no longer created, but that the new programs have different character. The author proposes the implementation of projects that take into account proposals and postulates from all previous restructuring programs, that were not implemented or only partially implemented. The restructuring of mining enterprises must be effective in the unstable environment they operate. This uncertain environment creates many barriers for the development of the mining sector in Poland. As Poland joined the E.U., it had to adopt new regulations regarding the state 's financial assistance for enterprises. If the mining sector is regarded as strategic for the national economy, it is necessary to establish

clear rules under which the sector can be subsidized by the state. Polish coal reserves and other natura! resources are important for the well being of the nation. Many studies indicate that coal is the most economical energy source for Poland. Because of a limited quantity of coal available, it must be used in the more effective way than it is in the present.

Coal export stili plays significant role in the country's foreign trade balance. The mining enterprises must operate in the more efficient and rational way. For this to happen, the total restructuring of the mining sector leading to the full adaptation to free market economy, is required. The restructuring leads to the reengineering of the production, organizational and economic infrastructure, in order to achieve the desired adaptation of the energy sector to other sectors of national economy. This process is necessary if the energy sector is expected to satisfy the needs of the country. The objectives of restructuring programs can be briefly characterized by: Economic independence of the mining enterprises.

Profitability of mining enterprises Competitiveness and adaptation to the free market economy. The realization of these objectives will lead to the abolition of monopoly, the development of innovativeness and will stimulate the tradition of economic efficiency in the mining regions of Poland.




