Happy and Long Life of the Elderly


  • Paulina Ucieklak-Jeż Akademia im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie
  • Agnieszka Bem Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu

Słowa kluczowe:

szczęście, jakość życia, osoby starsze, depresja, oczekiwana długość życia w szczęściu (HapLE)


Happiness is defined as a status of the stable, global quality of life, and the extent, to which a person evaluates positively the overall quality of present life. This concept means overall assessment of life, instead of a specific areas (e.g., work, marriage, physical condition), and indicates a stable state of mind and life’s appreciation. Satisfaction related to living conditions and

subjective well-being are two dimensions of happiness.

The aim of the paper is to evaluate Happy Life Expectancy (HapLE) for the elderly (60+).The paper presents the impact of depression on elderly’s quality of life, and determinants influencing the risk of mental disorder’s occurrence. Depression is one of the most important disorder, that lowers the quality of life.

We have found, that men might expect the more years of happy life, not only in absolute value, but also, as a percentage of total Life Expectancy. Along with age, HapLE values deteriorate, and this diminution is faster for women.





