Warunki lokalowe i wyposażenie wiejskich szkół ludowych w rzymskokatolickiej diecezji przemyskiej w latach 1774–1873




Słowa kluczowe:

folk education (elementary) in Galicia, education in the Latin diocese of Przemyśl during the partitions, trivial schools in Galicia, parish schools in Galicia, communal schools in Galicia, housing base of folk (elementary) schools in Galicia, didactic base of folk (elementary) schools in Galicia


The aim of the article is to show the housing base and equipment of folk (elementary) schools operating in the villages. The research area covers the area of the Latin Przemyśl diocese belonging to Galicia during the partitions. The research covered the years 1774-1873. The basic information base are archival sources supplemented with scientific literature. The article analyzes the legal conditions of school operations and the attitude towards local communities. A lot of space was devoted to the description of school buildings. Attention was paid to the ways of their construction, size, technical condition and location. Their internal appearance was also discussed. The appearance of classrooms and the sanitary conditions that prevailed in them were also described. Article is designed to help in the study of elementary education in the Polish territories in times of partitions, and especially in Galicia.






Historia wychowania